This is derivative logo of TG CASHMERE brand. TG COTTON brand is focused on high quality cotton apparel. So TG COTTON logo should match original TG CASHMERE logo stype and tone of voice.
Due to existing TG CASHMERE logo there's no need in research. Just match original stype and tone of voice.
According to client, letters O make white accents that don't fit the TG COTTON brand. So we proceed with research. Letter O can be either different, or the whole logo can be set with more spacing.
Both ways lead to wrong changes in brand's tone of voice. So we proseed with more complecated solution. The idea is to brake contour of O and let it's inner white space merge with T's counterforms.
Extremely oped O contours look controversal. An alternate to breaking O contour is increasint T counterforms. Compared to the first proposal:
During colour tests we've desided to stop on original TG Cashmere logo colour palette.