е for «Eurotorg»

Eurotorg is running Evroopt — the largest grocery stores chain in Belarus. It's logomark «е» is among most recognizable logotypes in state. Due to constant impressive chain growth Eurotorg faced it used three different versions of logomark «е».

Definetely, the logomark «е» should stay the same feel for customers, but needed finetune to be ready for next step in visual communications improvement.

The main treat of redesigning logomark «е» is ProStore grocery chain has accented e letter in it's logo. This mix was definetely to avoid.
As a result of redesign Eurotorg got finetuned e that was consistently implemented throug all the grocery shops, e-commerce platform and delivery service. The redesigned logomark made it possible to redesign visual identity of Evroopt chain. As a result increase awareness of the brand without losing consistency in brands identity and communications. 

This redesign was done as a subproject of great Evroopt redesign project, developed by Vasili Andreyev and Eurotorg inhouse design team.